What is the Bad Game Arcade?
At its core, the Bad Game Arcade (BGA) comes as a response to the question: Are Educational Games Bad? From January 23-27, 2023 come play some educational games, listen to live interviews with experts and practitioners, and participate at one of four round-table panels.
A Hybrid Event
Educational games are being made by non-profits, universities, libraries, and game companies, it is time for them to be talking and showing their work each other. Check out the event schedule and visit the space and events in person or online.
The Good and Bad of Edugames
Educational games are made with different goals than most commercial titles, how does that help and hinder these games? Come play and give your feedback on games, or listen to conversations about what we might be able to do to improve them.
Free for All
Every part of the event will be free to attend. The space will be open from 10 am to 6pm each day and filled with activities.